
Our Work In


We mourn the Palestinian and Israelis who have been horrifically killed in the escalating violence, with more deaths announced each day. We will continue to support our partners, including those inside Palestine, who are providing emergency medical care and psychosocial support as casualties mount.

We uphold that true, lasting peace and justice can only come from an end to Israel’s occupation and apartheid policies that have deprived and dehumanized Palestinians for generations. These policies have also made peace for Israelis and Palestinians impossible. Peace cannot coexist with or grow from occupation.

TAKE ACTION: call your member of Congress and demand that they endorse the call for a ceasefire.

Group of youn women at a Free Palestine protest

Update May 21, 2024

On the ICC Request for Arrest Warrants

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has submitted a request for arrest warrants for Israeli and Hamas leaders. This is a major move by the ICC, representing a significant international effort to seek individual accountability for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the context of the “Situation in the State of Palestine,” which the ICC is officially investigating. By including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, this marks the first time that the ICC has targeted the leadership of a US ally.

As an international human rights organization, MADRE asserts the vital importance of seeking justice through international law, carrying out credible investigations, and building institutions that can hold leaders responsible for the atrocities they commit or command. We call on the ICC to ensure that its investigation includes efforts to seek accountability for crimes committed both before and after October 7 and that it consults closely with women’s organizations as it seeks to identify victims and witnesses. Palestinian women and children have faced particular and devastating impacts of this war, from drastic increases in stillbirths and miscarriages to the brutal reality of children starving to death.

The US and Israel have been among the very few nations that refused to become signatories to the ICC and reject any international mandate to investigate and prosecute the involvement of their nationals in genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Israel has carried out months of forced displacement, starvation, and mass killing in Gaza – an assault funded and armed by the US – which the International Court of Justice has found “plausible” to be defined as genocide. The ICC’s application for arrest warrants is an important measure to counter impunity for such actions. Already, President Biden issued a blanket rejection of this ICC action as “outrageous,” and the Court is facing threats of retaliation by the US Congress. We denounce such efforts to undermine the independence and effectiveness of international legal institutions. All victims of international crimes–whether Israeli civilians killed or taken hostage on October 7, or Palestinian civilians facing persecution, bombing, and starvation–deserve meaningful justice. The strength and credibility of international law and human rights standards depends upon their just, even application.

As MADRE continues our efforts to deliver aid to people inside Gaza and the West Bank through our longstanding relationships with community-based groups, we amplify the demand for a permanent ceasefire and unimpeded access to humanitarian aid. Once again, we assert that peace ultimately depends on an end to occupation and apartheid, justice for survivors of violence, and safety and human rights for all.

Read our prior statements on the conflict in Palestine here. 

Midwives of Peace

The Palestinian Medical Relief Society

MADRE’s local partner the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS) is a community-based organization that provides health services to women, children, the disabled, and the poor in rural villages, refugee camps, and urban centers in Palestine.


Responding to Palestine in Crisis

As the current emergency evolves, we are mobilizing quickly to provide urgent aid. Despite Israel’s complete siege of Palestine, including blocking people’s access to food and water, our partners in Palestine are providing emergency medical care and psychosocial support as casualties mount from military attacks. Our decades of work in Palestine and our local partners' deep networks mean your support will reach those who need it most.

a group of women Palestinian activist at a rally

Alexandros Michailidis

a Syrian mother walks with her four children a top a hill overlooking a refugee camp

Rapid Response, Rapid Action

In early 2023, the Israeli government escalated violence in occupied territories, raining bombs, tear gas, and gunfire on Palestinian neighborhoods. Thanks to our supporters, MADRE was able to supply Palestinian communities with the funds they need for emergency medical treatment and mental health support.

a Palestinian woman lays holding her newborn child

Resist In Body

In the West Bank, Israeli military roadblocks and restrictions on Palestinians’ freedom of movement prevent people experiencing pregnancy and childbirth from reaching hospitals and accessing reproductive health care. MADRE supports a grassroots group of Palestinian and Israeli midwives, to demand an end to the occupation that prevents pregnant people from accessing essential health care.

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